WeCare Fever Package-2

Covers 48 Parameters Just ? 1399 799

  • ?CBC- (25 Parameters)
  • Hemoglobin (1 Parameter)
  • Platelet Count (1 Parameter)
  • ESR- (1 Parameter)
  • Malaria Antigen  (1 Parameter)
  • Typhidot IgM Antibody (1 Parameter)
  • Urine R/M - (1 Parameter)
  • Pus Cells ( Parameter)
  • Epithelial Cells (1 Parameter)

This profiles is introduced as basic one Covering 48 Tests including :- Complete Blood Count- CBC ( Infection, Platelet, Hb), Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate- ESR ( Inflammation, Infection), Malaria Antigen, TyphiDot IgM Antibody, Urine Routine & Microscopy- R/M ( Urine infection, Pus Cells, Rbcs).

   Blood & Urine Sample Type
       No fasting is Required 
 Same Day reporting By 11 Pm
   Free Home Collection

When should we go for fever profile ?

:- Normal body temperature varies from person to person and throughout the day (it is typically highest in the afternoon). However, despite these variations, most doctors define fever as a temperature of 100.4° F (about 38° C) or higher when measured with a rectal thermometer, So Having symptoms like High body temp, Cold, Running Nose, Headache or body ache etc.... then first priority is to consult with your doctor then or suggest as they suggested.

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